Creating Shapes

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This page explains how my HTML 3D Library supports 3D shapes and how to use the library to create shapes, both built-in and custom shapes.

This page will discuss:


Binding Shapes

Once you have a mesh of a 3D shape, you still need to attach it to a shape and a batch of shapes in order for the renderer to draw it. This is where the H3DU.Shape class comes into play; this class associates a 3D mesh with its location in the scene, as well as its color, its appearance, and how its vertices will be transformed. To attach a mesh to a 3D scene:

  1. Create a Shape object by passing the mesh buffer to the H3DU.Shape constructor:

     var shape = new H3DU.Shape(meshBuffer);

    Note that setPosition, setQuaternion, and setScale don’t change the vertices of the underlying mesh the shape uses, but rather set up a glmath that adjusts each vertex in the shape “on the fly” when it comes time to draw it each frame.

    If setMatrix wasn’t called, then when the shape is rendered, it will generate a transformation matrix that has the effect of scaling, then rotating, then translating (shifting) the shape in 3D space.

  2. Add the shape to a 3D batch (`H3DU.Batch3D):


    Now, the next time scene3d.render(batch) is called, the H3DU.Scene3D will render the specified shape to the scene through the 3D batch.

Shape Groups

The H3DU.ShapeGroup class represents a shape that’s a combination of multiple shapes. Usually, they form different pieces of a combined shape that can be positioned, rotated, and scaled at once. Here is an example of a clock made up of multiple shapes:


This clock is made up of shapes, which are added to a single ShapeGroup which represents the whole clock, as follows:

To create a shape group, call new H3DU.ShapeGroup(). To add a Shape object to the group, call new H3DU.Shape(shape). Note that you can add only shapes or other shape groups, not meshes, to a shape group.

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