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new module:extras/superellipsoid.Supershape(m, n1, n2, n3, a, b, rx, ry, phase)

TODO: Not documented yet.



(static) module:extras/superellipsoid.Supershape.roundedPolygon(sides, rounding, rx, ry)

TODO: Not documented yet.


Return Value

TODO: Not documented yet. (Type: *)

(static) module:extras/superellipsoid.Supershape.supercircle(n, rx)

TODO: Not documented yet.


Return Value

TODO: Not documented yet. (Type: *)

(static) module:extras/superellipsoid.Supershape.superellipse(n, rx, ry)

TODO: Not documented yet.


Return Value

TODO: Not documented yet. (Type: *)

(static) module:extras/superellipsoid.Supershape.superellipse2(n, rx, ry)

Creates a curve evaluator object for a superellipse (a special case of a 2-D supershape), but using Paul Bourke's parameterization (using the circle parametric equation but raising all sines and cosines to a power of n).


Return Value

Curve evaluator object for a superellipse curve. (Type: Object)

(static) module:extras/superellipsoid.Supershape.superellipsoid(n1, n2, rx, ry, rz, phase)

TODO: Not documented yet.


Return Value

TODO: Not documented yet. (Type: *)

(static) module:extras/superellipsoid.Supershape.superellipsoid2(n1, n2, rx, ry, rz)

Creates a surface evaluator object for a superellipsoid (a special case of a 3-D supershape), but using Paul Bourke's parameterization (using the sphere parametric equation but raising all sines and cosines to a power of n1 or n2).


Return Value

Surface evaluator object for a superellipsoid. (Type: Object)

(static) module:extras/superellipsoid.Supershape.supershape3D(m, n1, n2, n3, a, b, rx, ry, phase)

TODO: Not documented yet.


Return Value

TODO: Not documented yet. (Type: *)

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