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### module:extras/derivedcurves()

Additional curve evaluator and surface evaluator objects.

To import all symbols in this module, either of the following can be used:

import * from "extras/derivedcurves.js";
// -- or --
import * as CustomModuleName from "extras/derivedcurves.js";


### (static) module:extras/derivedcurves.curveCatacaustic(evaluator, ox, oy)

Creates a curve evaluator object for TODO: Not documented yet.


Return Value

The resulting curve evaluator object. (Type: Object)

### (static) module:extras/derivedcurves.curveEvolute(evaluator)

Creates a curve evaluator object for the curve from which an involute curve is generated.


Return Value

The resulting curve evaluator object. (Type: Object)

### (static) module:extras/derivedcurves.curveInverse(evaluator, [ox], [oy], [radius])

Creates a curve evaluator object for a curve with reciprocal (inverted) polar coordinates to that of another curve.


Return Value

The resulting curve evaluator object. (Type: Object)

### (static) module:extras/derivedcurves.curveInvolute(evaluator)

Creates a curve evaluator object for a curve generated by the end of a string when it is wound up along another curve.


Return Value

The resulting curve evaluator object. (Type: Object)

### (static) module:extras/derivedcurves.curveOrthotomic(evaluator, ox, oy)

Creates a curve evaluator object for TODO: Not documented yet.


Return Value

The resulting curve evaluator object. (Type: Object)

### (static) module:extras/derivedcurves.curvePedalCurve(evaluator, ox, oy)

Creates a curve evaluator object for TODO: Not documented yet.


Return Value

The resulting curve evaluator object. (Type: Object)

### (static) module:extras/derivedcurves.curveRadialCurve(evaluator, ox, oy)

Creates a curve evaluator object for TODO: Not documented yet.


Return Value

The resulting curve evaluator object. (Type: Object)

### (static) module:extras/derivedcurves.polarCurve(func, [phase])

Creates a curve evaluator object for a polar curve, a curve generated from its polar coordinates using a polar function, a function that determines a point’s radius given its angle.


Return Value

The resulting curve evaluator object. (Type: Object)

### (static) module:extras/derivedcurves.ruledSurface(directrix, director)

Creates a surface evaluator object for TODO: Not documented yet.


Return Value

The resulting surface evaluator object. (Type: Object)

### (static) module:extras/derivedcurves.spiralCurve(radius, [phase])

Creates a curve evaluator object for TODO: Not documented yet.


Return Value

The resulting curve evaluator object. (Type: Object)

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