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### module:extras/meshes/pathtomesh()

The extras/meshes/pathtomesh.js module. To import all symbols in this module, either of the following can be used:

import * from "extras/meshes/pathtomesh.js";
// -- or --
import * as CustomModuleName from "extras/meshes/pathtomesh.js";


### (static) module:extras/meshes/pathtomesh.toExtrudedMeshBuffer(zStart, zEnd, [flatness], [closed])

Generates a mesh buffer consisting of “walls” that follow this graphics path approximately, and, optionally, a base and top.


Return Value

The resulting mesh buffer. (Type: *)

### (static) module:extras/meshes/pathtomesh.toLineMeshBuffer([z], [flatness])

Generates a mesh buffer consisting of the approximate line segments that make up this graphics path.


Return Value

The resulting mesh buffer. (Type: *)

### (static) module:extras/meshes/pathtomesh.toMeshBuffer([z], [flatness])

Decomposes this path into triangles and generates a mesh buffer with those triangles. Each triangle’s normal will point toward the z-axis, and each triangle vertex’s texture coordinates will be the same as that vertex’s position.


Return Value

The resulting mesh buffer. (Type: *)

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