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### new module:extras/curvetube.CurveTube(func, [thickness], [sweptCurve])

A surface evaluator object for a tube extruded from a parametric curve.

This class is considered a supplementary class to the Public Domain HTML 3D Library and is not considered part of that library.



### module:extras/curvetube~CurveTube#endPoints()

Returns the starting and ending u- and v-coordinates of this surface.

Return Value

A four-element array. The first and second elements are the starting and ending u-coordinates, respectively, of the surface, and the third and fourth elements are its starting and ending v-coordinates. The starting and ending u-coordinates will be the extruded curve’s end points (or [0, 1] if it doesn’t implement an endPoints method). The starting and ending v-coordinates are [0, π] by default, but if a cross section curve is defined, those v-coordinates will be that curve’s end points (or [0, 1] if it doesn’t implement an endPoints method).

### module:extras/curvetube~CurveTube#evaluate(u, v)

Generates a point on the extruded tube from the specified u- and v-coordinates.


Return Value

A 3-element array specifying a 3D point. (Type: Array.<number>)

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