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### new Promise([resolver])

A promise holds a value to be resolved in the future.

This class is a “polyfill” for the standard Promise class; it is only used when the running JavaScript environment doesn’t support or include a Promise class on its own.



### (static) Promise.all(all)

Wait for all these promises to complete. One failed => this fails too.


Return Value

A promise that is resolved when all promises have resolved. (Type: Promise)

### (static) Promise.race(all)

Creates a promise that resolves or is rejected when one of those promises resolves or is rejected.


Return Value

A promise that resolves or is rejected according to the first promise that resolves or is rejected. It will receive the value associated with that promise. (Type: Promise)

### (static) Promise.reject(reason)

Returns a promise that is rejected.


Return Value

A promise that is rejected and takes the given value as its argument. (Type: Promise)

### (static) Promise.resolve(value)

Returns a promise that resolves.


Return Value

A promise that resolves and takes the given value as its argument. (Type: Promise)

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