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### module:extras/convex()

The extras/convex.js module. To import all symbols in this module, either of the following can be used:

import * from "extras/convex.js";
// -- or --
import * as CustomModuleName from "extras/convex.js";


### (static) module:extras/convex.createConvexHull(points)

Generates the convex hull of a set of 3-dimensional points, that is, the smallest convex set that contains all the points given.


Return Value

A buffer geometry. The generated convex hull. (Type: *)

### (static) module:extras/convex.planePointsToConvexHull(planepoints)

Generates a convex hull of the half-space representation of several planes. Each plane is defined by the triangle it lies on.


Return Value

A buffer geometry. The generated convex hull. (Type: *)

### (static) module:extras/convex.randomConvexPolyhedron(avgsize, maxfaces)

Generates a mesh buffer of a convex polyhedron at random.


Return Value

A buffer geometry. The resulting polyhedron. (Type: *)

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