Graphics Filters

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This page describes what graphics filters are and how they work in my public domain HTML 3D Library. It also describes several examples of graphics filters.

Download the latest version of the library at the **HTML 3D Library’s Releases page**.


Graphics Filters

In the HTML 3D Library, graphics filters are functions used to modify the appearance of the screen after each frame. They are implemented in a language called GLSL, or GL Shading Language. GLSL programs are called “shaders”, and they are compiled into code that runs on a GPU, or graphics processing unit.

Graphics filters are considered “fragment shaders”, or shaders that process one pixel at a time. GPUs can render graphics very fast with such shaders because one fragment shader can process multiple pixels in parallel, without affecting the other pixels, and GPUs are often much better designed for parallel processing than CPUs.

For graphics filters to work, the 3D scene must be rendered to an off-screen buffer called a frame buffer. The frame buffer acts like a texture which will be rendered back to the screen with the help of the graphics filter’s shader program.

Writing Graphics Filters

In the HTML 3D Library, use the makeEffect method of the H3DU.ShaderInfo class to create graphics filters:

The following is an example of a graphics filter.

return H3DU.ShaderInfo.makeEffect([
"vec4 textureEffect(sampler2D sampler, vec2 uvCoord, vec2 textureSize){",
// Read the current color from the sampler texture
" vec4 color=texture2D(sampler,uvCoord);",
// Convert the color to a shade of gray. It gets
// the current color's red, green, and blue components,
// adds them, and divides by 3. Thus, the gray color
// will be an average of the red/green/blue components.
" float gray=(color.r+color.g+color.b)/3.0;",
// Return the gray color (using the color's original alpha)
" return vec4(gray,gray,gray,color.a);",

Each graphics filter must have a GLSL function called textureEffect(), like in the preceding example.

The textureEffect function takes these parameters:

The textureEffect function returns a vec4 (4-element vector) giving the color that the current pixel should be. The example above reads the current pixel’s color, turns it to a shade of gray, and returns a new color with that shade of gray. Thus, the filter will convert the screen to grayscale tones.

The shader can also define custom parameters called “uniforms”, so called because their values are uniform for every run of the shader within a given draw call. Uniforms are declared by using a line like uniform [type] [name]; at the top of the shader. Example: uniform float time; Uniforms, once declared, can be used in the textureEffect function.

A detailed treatment of GLSL is outside the scope of this page. More information about GLSL can be found by searching the Web; note that there are many versions of GLSL and the one used most often in HTML applications is relatively basic nowadays. Also see later for more examples of graphics filters.

Using Graphics Filters

To use a graphics filter, the application needs to prepare for its use by following these steps.

First, create an object to hold information about a frame buffer. A frame buffer is an array of pixels designed to be drawn off the screen. This means that the scene’s geometry is drawn not to the screen (or to the buffer the screen uses), but to a separate buffer, to be manipulated later by the application or re-drawn to the screen (or the screen buffer). In the HTML 3D Library, each frame buffer consists of a texture of a given size and a renderbuffer of the same size to use as the depth buffer.

var fbo=new H3DU.FrameBufferInfo(scene.getWidth(),scene.getHeight());

Note that we set the frame buffer’s size to the current width and height of the scene.

Then create an array of rendering passes. The sample code below creates two passes: the first renders to a frame buffer, and the second renders the frame buffer’s contents back to the screen.

var renders = [
  // The first batch renders the main batch's geometry to
  // the frame buffer info we just created.
  new H3DU.RenderPass(batch,{"frameBuffer":fbo}),
  // The next batch renders the frame buffer's contents
  // back to the screen.
  new H3DU.RenderPass(H3DU.Batch3D.forFilter(scene,fbo))

And finally, pass the array of rendering passes to the render method each time the scene needs to be rendered.

// Then, each time the scene needs to be rendered, call
// this method

When the render() method is called each frame using the rendering passes mentioned earlier, the following happens.

Sample Code

Here is sample code for using a graphics filter.

var currentFilter = /* create a graphics filter here */;
// create a frame buffer info object
var fbo=new H3DU.FrameBufferInfo(scene.getWidth(),scene.getHeight());
// create a batch containing the 3D objects
var subScene=new H3DU.Batch3D()
// create an array of render passes
var renders=[
  // The first pass renders to a frame buffer
  new H3DU.RenderPass(subScene,{"frameBuffer":fbo}),
  // The second pass renders the frame buffer to the main canvas,
  // using the specified graphics filter
  new H3DU.RenderPass(H3DU.Batch3D.forFilter(scene,fbo,currentFilter))
// Then, each time the scene needs to be rendered, call
// this method

Mirror Filter

**Mirror filtered image**

This filter does a horizontal flip of its pixels. Note that the filter, given later, reads not from the current pixel, but rather the pixel from the opposite side to the current pixel (it takes 1 minus the current x-coordinate).

function makeMirror(){
return H3DU.ShaderInfo.makeEffect(context,[
"vec4 textureEffect(sampler2D sampler, vec2 uvCoord, vec2 textureSize){",
" vec4 color=texture2D(sampler,vec2(1.0-uvCoord.x,uvCoord.y));",
" return color;",

With a simple change, this filter can be modified to do a vertical flip (1.0-uvCoord.y) or even both flips.

Pixelate Filter

**Pixelate filtered image**

This filter pixelates the screen, in effect, by scaling it down and then scaling it up. This filter takes a uniform variable named coarseness, which indicates how many normal pixels each “pixelated” pixel takes up.

function makePixelate(){
return H3DU.ShaderInfo.makeEffect([
"uniform float coarseness;", // coarseness in pixels; 1 means normal
"vec4 textureEffect(sampler2D sampler, vec2 uvCoord, vec2 textureSize){",
" float g=max(coarseness,1.0);",
" float gridSizeX=textureSize.x/g;",
" float gridSizeY=textureSize.y/g;",
" float uv0=floor(uvCoord.x*gridSizeX)/gridSizeX;",
" float uv1=floor(uvCoord.y*gridSizeY)/gridSizeY;",
" vec4 c=texture2D(sampler,vec2(uv0,uv1));",
" return c;",
"}"].join("\n")); }

The demo changes the “coarseness” parameter with time to animate the pixelation effect.

Wave Filter

**Wave filtered image**

This filter shifts the pixels in each row horizontally to cause the screen to undulate vertically. This filter takes a uniform variable named time, which indicates the animation frame for the undulation effect.

This filter is implemented in the function makeWave in the demo.

Waterpaint Filter

**Waterpaint filtered image**

This is a watercoloring effect based on a public domain shader by Hans-Kristian Arntzen, also known as “Themaister”.

This filter is implemented in the function makeWaterpaint in the demo.

Other Pages

The following pages of mine on CodeProject also discuss this library:

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