
## PeterO.Mail.DataUris

public static class DataUris

Contains methods for parsing and generating Data URIs (uniform resource identifiers). Data URIs are described in RFC 2397. Examples for Data URIs follow.

data:, hello%20world

data:text/markdown, hello%20world

data:application/octet-stream;base64, AAAAAA==


Member Summary

### DataUriBytes

public static byte[] DataUriBytes(
    string uri);

Extracts the data from a Data URI (uniform resource identifier) in the form of a byte array.


Return Value:

The data as a byte array. Returns null if uri is null, is syntactically invalid, or is not a data URI.


### DataUriBytes

public static byte[] DataUriBytes(
    System.Uri uri);

Extracts the data from a Data URI (uniform resource identifier) in the form of a byte array, where the Data URI is given as a URI object.


Return Value:

The data as a byte array. Returns null if uri is null, is syntactically invalid, or is not a data URI.


### DataUriMediaType

public static PeterO.Mail.MediaType DataUriMediaType(
    string uri);

Extracts the media type from a Data URI (uniform resource identifier) in the form of a text string.


Return Value:

The media type. Returns null if uri is null, is syntactically invalid, or is not a Data URI.


### DataUriMediaType

public static PeterO.Mail.MediaType DataUriMediaType(
    System.Uri uri);

Extracts the media type from a Data URI (uniform resource identifier) in the form of a URI object.


Return Value:

The media type. Returns null if uri is null, is syntactically invalid, or is not a Data URI.


### MakeDataUri

public static string MakeDataUri(
    byte[] bytes,
    PeterO.Mail.MediaType mediaType);

Encodes data with the specified media type in a Data URI (uniform resource identifier).


Return Value:

A Data URI that encodes the specified data and media type.


### MakeDataUri

public static string MakeDataUri(
    string textString);

Encodes text as a Data URI (uniform resource identifier).


Return Value:

A Data URI that encodes the specified text.


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