## API Documentation
PeterO.Mail.Address - Represents an email address.
PeterO.Mail.ContentDisposition - Specifies how a message body should be displayed or handled by a mail user agent.
PeterO.Mail.ContentDisposition.Builder - A mutable data type that allows a content disposition to be built.
PeterO.Mail.DataUris - Contains methods for parsing and generating Data URIs (uniform resource identifiers).
PeterO.Mail.LanguageTags - Contains methods for parsing and matching language tags.
PeterO.Mail.MailDateTime - Contains methods for parsing and generating date-time strings following the Internet Message Format (RFC 5322).
PeterO.Mail.MediaType - Specifies what kind of data a message body is.
PeterO.Mail.MediaType.Builder - A mutable data type that allows a media type object to be built.
PeterO.Mail.Message - Represents an email message, and contains methods and properties for accessing and modifying email message data.
PeterO.Mail.MessageDataException - Exception thrown when a message has invalid syntax.
PeterO.Mail.NamedAddress - Represents an email address and a name for that address.
PeterO.Mail.StringAndQuality - Stores an arbitrary string and a “quality value” for that string.
PeterO.Text.Idna - Contains methods that implement Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA).
PeterO.Text.Normalization - Represents a Unicode normalization form.
PeterO.Text.NormalizerInput - A character input class that implements the Unicode normalization algorithm and contains methods and functionality to test and convert text strings for normalization.
PeterO.Text.NormalizingCharacterInput - Obsolete: Renamed to NormalizerInput.
PeterO.Text.ProtocolStrings - Contains methods for preparing user-facing protocol strings (such as user identifiers) for equality comparison and validity checking.