## PeterO.IWriter
public interface IWriter : PeterO.IByteWriter
A generic interface for writing bytes of data.
Member Summary
[Write(byte[], int, int)](#Write_byte_int_int)
- Writes a portion of a byte array to the data source.
void Write( byte[] bytes, int offset, int length);
Writes a portion of a byte array to the data source.
bytes: A byte array containing the data to write.
offset: An index starting at 0 showing where the desired portion of bytes begins.
length: The number of elements in the desired portion of bytes (but not more than bytes ‘s length).
System.ArgumentNullException: Should be thrown if the parameter bytes is null.
System.ArgumentException: Should be thrown if either offset or length is less than 0 or greater than bytes ‘s length, or bytes ‘s length minus offset is less than length .